Jan 29, 2011

Marc Jackson is Nuts (/Stifles Laughter)

Okay, I just watched this again over at Deadspin, and I embed it so you all (someone reads this, right?) can judge the mental capabilities of one Marc Jackson, who once said he admired the moral character of Rick "Doin' it on the Restaurant Floor without Protection and then forcing her to get an Abortion" Pitino in anticipation of his son having Rick en locum parentis at Louisville. Watch:
Somehow, this is a good closeout. Good closeouts DO NOT involve touching the shooter's groin. Do you think that was a flop by Frye? I'd just like to see Frye and Jackson have a face to face at a later time, where Frye will punch Jackson in the nuts. This analysis is definitely "on point" Mr. Jackson, and by "on point" I mean you could be admitted to a psych ward for it.

Also, not sure how Jeff Van Gundy deems that touch to be at the stomach area. How high is Van Gundy pulling up his pants nowadays?

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