Mar 30, 2011

Mike Krzyzewski is Also Delusional, Missed Point of Fab Five Documentary

I loved the Fab Five doc on ESPN that premiered on Selection Sunday. It hit all the right points for me: emphasizing the cultural impact of the Fab Five (HBO's Runnin' Rebels missed that point and instead focused on the ties to Vegas (more on that later)), emphasizing the generic Duke style that may bring success but brings much more hate, and Chris Webber's bizarre estrangement from the university where he was a force of change on the game. Webber's absence was strange, but as @FreeDarko pointed out in a retweet of this tweet, this was his documentary.

Jalen Rose fulfilled his duties as an ESPN employee to create the requisite controversy that would drive discussion of the documentary for following week, lead to Grant Hill writing a piece for the New York Times defending the Duke way, and then this Mike Krzyzewski idiocy. It wasn't enough for his players to publicly cry after Arizona tore them a new one (You win a national championship and then you get greedy? You got beat, be lucky to have that lucky ring.)(And this is proof that Coach K could never be a NBA coach. Hopefully Kupchak stops calling him when the Lakers job goes vacant this summer.).

Coach K is happy with what he did at his institution, making a winning program that he claims to have playing hard defense, but if you actually watch, just constantly handchecks people like it's the '70's. That's great that you're bringing guys in and developing them to be the lacrosse douchebags of basketball. Jay Williams loves that legacy, as shown in that ESPN article. (Another side note: Jay, when they use the past tense discussing their perceptions of Duke, I think it means that's how they felt and not how they feel now. But, continue to be a pseudo-intellectual, offended by what you continue to perceive to be a slight against your character. The idiot didn't even graduate until he fell off that motorcycle.)

Krzyzewski is proud he gets players to play the right way, but it just feels wrong. Michigan may not have brought in any hardware like Laettner did, but they showed an individuality that all of your players hid for the sake of your team. That's great and all, but the cultural impact of the Fab Five will always outshine whatever lobotomies you give out at Duke. Do people hike up their shorts and pretend to be Bobby Hurley? HEEEELLLLLL NO! Do you think big guys running the court running point and playing the post are trying to be like Christian Laettner? Maybe in your delusional dreams. Basketball players wear baggy shorts, they were black socks with their black kicks, and their swag is pride in themselves more than in the cult of personality you've created of pseudo-blue collar guys. Coach K has a high horse from winning 827 games, but passing judgement is one aspect of life where he's riding Mini Horse.

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