Aug 21, 2008

Leroi Moore 1961-2008

I've recently been on a tear in terms of writing blogs when things die. Now, I have come to hate Dave Matthews Band, mostly due to Dave Matthews, but when I was a in high school, I could not get enough. His only recent good work has been his role in Zohan. But could that motherfucker surround himself with talent, and one of my favorites was Leroi Moore. The man hated the spotlight, but he was by far the most talented member of the group. I'm sure Jeff Coffin will fill in damn well temporarily, but Leroi recently passed away from complications due to an ATV accident. Of my fondest memories of DMB concerts, most primarily involved Leroi as well as his partnership with Rashawn "Big Sexy" Ross. And boy, could Leroi play a penny whistle, among various saxophones and some sorts of clarinets. Without the showmanship of Boyd or Carter, he could still dominate a concert with his musical acumen.
I'm hoping Dave calls quits on the group after this summer. It just feels like its time since it is no longer an original line up. Then again, I am no longer a fan, so this opinion is pretty much meaningless.

More sports coming soon.

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