Jul 14, 2008

A Celebratory Post

First off, a big yom huledet sameach out to Danny Macintosh, who just turned 30000000000 in ant years. And to celebrate his birthday, Billy Packer has disappeared. The Miami Herald reported it earlier today that CBS will not bring him back and end the consecutive Final Four streak at 34, which included 7 at NBC. Jim Nantz is now going to sound way more like a douche bag now that senile grandpa from hell isn't giving his two cents constantly. And now, what will be of Packer's future endeavors that he claims will keep him comfortable without his yearly CBS contract? I'm thinking basketball instructional videos that focus on the negative a la Dale Sturtevant. What a way to celebrate French freedom: it's like the MVC, CAA, Sun Belt, WCC, and A-10 united and stormed Packer's prison where he tortured Selection Committee members who invited midmajors to the Big Dance.

1 comment:

danny macintosh said...

Thanks Joe, I couldn't think of a better gift than the end of Billy Packer's reign of terror. Also, kudos to Johns for sneakily changing the post times to the 24 hr clock as part of his silent protest...how long ago did that happen? How did I miss that?